
Mayor of Baucen City, Saxony, Germany visits BST

Release time:  2020-08-04

? ? ? ??On January 9, 2020, Alexander Arence, mayor of bauzen, Saxony, Germany, led a delegation of five people from the Berlin Global trade forum to visit BST. Martin Tello Castro, general manager, Yao Guomin, director of project management department, Yan ye, director of technical services department and Shi liming, director of production department, warmly received the visitors.

In the second conference room on the second floor of the South factory, general manager Martin and Alexander had a discussion and exchange on their willingness to establish friendly and cooperative relations. Alexander said that Bauzen is an ancient city, with no debt, high employment rate and great influence throughout Germany in recent years. In particular, its strong industry, rail vehicle production in Europe and even the world's forefront, strong economic strength in the whole state and Germany has a pivotal position. Martin expressed the intention of establishing a friendly and cooperative relationship between BST and bauzen to the delegation, and gave a rich and vivid introduction to the company's basic situation.

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